Nyingma Palyul Meditation Center Vancouver 温哥华宁玛白玉禅修中心

Est 2021 始于 2021

Our Story 关于我们

Nyingma Palyul Meditation Center Vancouver is established by Khenpo Sonam Nyima Rinpoche in 2021. Palyul lineage belongs to Nyingmapa Lineage, which is among the four major lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. 温哥华宁玛白玉禅修中心, 是堪布索南尼玛仁波切於2021年成立的佛学中心, 属於藏传佛教四大传承中的宁玛巴白玉传承。

Nyingma refers to the inheritance of Buddhism initiated in Tibet by Khenchen Bodhisattva Shantarakshita, Acharya Padmasambhava, and His Holiness King Trisong Detsen. The holders and followers of the Dharma lineage are collectively referred to as Nyingmapa. Palyul Monastery is one of the six mother monasteries of Nyingmapa, located in the Baiyu area in Tibet and was built by Chiming Kunzang Sherab (Samantabhadra Prajna) in 1664. In the year of 1963, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche established Namdroling Monastery in Southern India. Today, there are about 4,000 resident lamas and nuns in Namdroling Monastery. It is the largest monastery where Nyingmapa lineage practitioners studied and practiced Dharma in India. 宁玛, 是指由寂护论师、莲花生大士及法王赤松德赞等三人在藏地开创的佛法传承, 其法脉持有者及追随者统称为宁玛巴。白玉祖寺为宁玛巴六座祖寺之一, 位於藏地白玉地区, 由持明衮桑谢饶於1664年所建。白玉祖寺怙主贝诺法王於1963年在印度南方建立南卓林寺, 现今常住僧尼约四千名,是宁玛巴在印度修学及实修佛法的最大寺院。


Resident Lama 常驻上師

Khenpo Sonam Nyima Rinpoche 堪布索南尼瑪仁波切

Khenpo Sonam is a fully trained Khenpo (Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy) in the Nyingma Palyul tradition.


He completed the rigorous nine-year program covering Higher and Lower Sutra and Tantra teachings at Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (NNI), the prestigious monastic university of Namdroling monastery in South India. 堪布索南尼瑪仁波切於1978年生於東藏康區的农家。十歲時,堪布在家鄉白玉古冉寺院出家,學習讀寫與佛教儀軌傳統。 十六歲時,堪布去到印度,進行佛學研究。在位於南印度著名的南卓林寺院的佛學院 - 雅舉寧瑪學院中,堪布尼瑪仁波切專研顯密課程,並完成了嚴格的九年學習。

He received full ordination from the late Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche as well as many empowerments including the entire Rinchen Terdzod (Collection of Revealed Treasures) empowerments as well as a rare empowerment entitled Dowang Drangtsi Chugyün (Empowerment of the Sutra that Gathers the Enlightened Intentions called the Stream of Honey). 從老法王貝瑪諾布仁波切那裡,堪布受足比丘戒,領受佐欽(大圓滿)與南卻札龍(秘密氣脈瑜伽)的實修指導。

Further, from HH Penor Rinpoche, Khenpo Sonam has received instruction in Tsa Lung, the secret energy yoga practice from the Namcho cycle as well as instruction on Dzogchen (Great Perfection). 同時,堪布還從老法王那裡領受諸多灌頂,包括完整的仁欽伏藏灌頂,稀有的朵旺莊次初雲灌頂(稱為蜜之流的證悟心意的經典之聚集),以及寧提雅孜-由龍欽巴尊者收集與闡釋的,蓮花生大士與无垢友之大圓滿心髓的法教。 從法王圖桑仁波切那裡,堪布領受了南卻和冉林灌頂;尤為特殊的是,有兩年時間,堪布從法王塔龍慈誠仁波切那裡領受大圓滿的法教,並在法王親近的個人指導下實修大圓滿。

Since 2006, Khenpo Sonam has been teaching Shedra (Buddhist Philosophy) classes at Namdroling monastery. 自2006年起,堪布在南卓林寺院的寧瑪學院教授顯密課程,擔任學院的副院長和秘書,以及南卓林寺院高中部校長。堪布也在加拿大,以及西藏,香港和台灣地區教授佛法。

Khenpo Sonam currently lives in Vancouver, Canada. 堪布索南尼瑪仁波切現居住於加拿大溫哥華。

Past Lamas of Palyul Lineage 白玉历代传承祖师

Terton Mingyur Dorje 大伏藏师 明珠多杰


Guru Mingyur Dorje was one of the greatest Tibetan tertön or "treasure revealer". He received all the treasure teachings of Ratna Lingpa (1403-1479) in a vision as pure appearance teachings. 上师明珠多杰是西藏最伟大的伏藏师之一。他取出了所有由惹那林巴(1403-1479)埋下的意伏藏。

Rigzin Kunzang Sherab 仁增昆桑喜热


The first master of Palyul Monastery, the great Rigzin Kunzang Sherab, received all the treasure teachings of Ratna Lingpa (1403-1479) which Terton Migyur Dorje (1645-1667) had received in a vision as pure appearance teachings, and personally received Namcho treasure teachings from Mingyur Dorje. 第一任白玉寺寺主——偉大的金剛持明昆桑謝拉,从上师明就多杰处接受了所有惹那林巴意伏藏,以及 南卻虛空藏法(亦即天法)。

Drubwang Padma Norbu I 竹旺贝玛诺布一世

1667-1774 1st Pema Norbu Rinpoche 一世贝诺法王

Karma Chophel Zangpo 噶玛曲培桑布

1728-1790 1st Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 一世噶玛古钦法王

Past Lamas of Palyul Lineage 白玉历代传承祖师

Gyurme Ngedon Tenzin 久美涅敦丹增

1794-1851 2nd Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 二世噶玛古钦法王

Dongag Choekyi Nyima 埵昂确吉尼玛

1854-1906 3rd Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 三世噶玛古钦法王

Rigzin Palchen Dupa 仁增巴钦杜巴

1887-1932 2nd Pema Norbu Rinpoche 二世贝诺法王

Karma Thegchog Nyingpo 噶玛贴却宁波

1908-1960 4th Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 四世噶玛古钦法王

Jigmed Thubten Shedrub Choekyi Drayang 晋美图滇谢祝却吉札杨

1932-2009 3rd Pema Norbu Rinpoche 三世贝诺法王

Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 噶玛古钦法王

1970- present 5th Karma Kuchen Rinpoche Current throne holder 五世噶玛古钦法王 现任法座持有者